Glass Bottom Boat Excursion (Barbados)
Glass Bottom Boat Excursion (Barbados)
Vendor: Island Routes
Category: International
Location: Caribbean-Barbados
On this glass bottom boat cruise you will get the opportunity to view an extensive variety of marine life as you travel over the reef systems on the west coast of Barbados. Here the clear waters offer excellent visibility, allowing you to see a large variety of corals, sea fans and reef fish. Plus there is always the possibility of seeing sea turtles and sting rays to complete the experience. From there youll proceed to Carlisle Bay Marine Park to view the many shipwrecks in the area which are home to a variety of sea life. This lively bay offers fascinating views of an active marine environment and is the perfect way to complete your trip. Our experienced and knowledgeable guides offer a true insight into how our reef and marine environment is formed and how the various creatures all contribute to create a balanced and healthy underwater world. Tour Highlights: View an extensive variety of marine life as you travel over the reef systems on the west coast of the island. Carlisle Bay Marine Park - view the many shipwrecks in this area.
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