Celeste River Guided Hike (Dreams)
Vendor: Central American Tours - CAT
Category: Sail/Scenic Cruise
Location: Costa Rica-Dreams Las Mareas
The closest rainforest in Guanacaste is full of natural treasures and amazing colors. We will hike at the Tenorio Volcano National Park of Costa Rica, to see the Celeste River. It is notable for its distinctive turquoise coloration. Then, we will visit Finca Verde Lodge, and you will be taken on an inspiring and educational walk, showcasing natural wonders such as tropical plants and flowers, birds, sloths, frogs, snakes, insects and many more animals.
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Activity Date :
Activity time: To be assigned at confirmation
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Rates for
Total Number of Seats: 
Adult (12+ Years)$202.46
Child (3-11 Years)$181.26